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Budda Ball Triple M 1/2 Hams
Budda Ball Triple M Whole Hams
Buena Ventura Baccala - Salted Cod 1lb Bag $3.99ea
Carando Pepperoni - Sticks $5.49lb
Carando Spiral Hams 10-12lb avg
Catfish Fillet $7.99lb
Chicken Pinwheel Roast $8.99lb
Chowder Clams $1.29lb
Cod Fillet $7.49lb
Cod Loins $7.99lb
Colossal Seafood Stuffed Shrimp $19.99lb
Cook's Spiral Hams Half Portions
Count Neck Clams 10 for $5.99
Crabmeat $5.99 -$29.99
Crabmeat Stuffed Fillet of Sole $7.99lb
Cracked Black Pepper $7.99lb
Daniele Abruzzese Dry Sausage 8oz $5.49
Daniele Hungarian Brand Salame 10.5oz $6.99
Danielle Genoa Salami 9oz $5.99
Danielle Sopressata 9oz $5.99