The Meat King story begins with a determined young man named Salvatore Ferraro. At the tender age of twelve he began working at a local butcher shop honing the skills that would become his life’s vocation. For seven plus decades, Sal, along with his four beloved sons, carved a path to success specializing and innovating in every facet of the meat trade. The simple formula of quality meats, coupled with affordable cost, has become legend to generations of satisfied customers.
Today, the innovation continues. For your shopping convenience, we’ve expanded to a neighborhood near you, with our newest endeavor: The Meat King. Come experience our superior store cut steaks and chops along with exclusive recipe ground on the premises burgers, our own brand line-up of hot dogs plus unique store prepared specialties.
The Meat King, where quality meets value...
Click here to visit Ferraro's Market site!
Meat King Satellite Location:
181 Boston Post Road
Store Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10:00 am - 6:00pm
*Pick Up Hours: 2:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday Store Hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm
*Pick Up Hours: 12:00pm - 5:00pm
Branford - Krauszers
170 Cedar Street
6:00a.m – 11:00p.m.
Cheshire - 1 Stop Convenience Store
914 South Main Street
6:00a.m – 10:00p.m.
Derby - Krauszers
429 New Haven Avenue
5:00a.m – 10:00p.m.
East Haven - Krauszers
640 Foxon Road
24 Hours
Guliford - Krauszers
350 Stepstone Hill Road
6:00a.m. – 9:00p.m.
Hamden - Krauszers
2008 Whitney Avenue
24 Hours
Madison - Ferraro’s Meat King
181 Boston Post Road
10:00a.m. – 6:00p.m.
Meriden - Food Mart
1100 East Main Street (Sunoco Station)
6:00a.m. – 10:00p.m.
Milford - Krauszers
631 Milford Point Road
5:00a.m. – 11:00p.m.
North Branford - Sam’s Food Mart
1975 Foxon Road (Mobil Gas Station)
6:00a.m. – 11:00p.m.
North Haven - Mobil Mart
276 Washington Avenue (Mobil Gas Station)
24 Hours
North Haven - Krauszers
59 Middletown Avenue
6:00a.m. – 10:00p.m.
Wallingford - Checkers
99 North Colony Road
6:00a.m. – 11:00p.m.
Hours of operation in each individual location varies as listed.
**Meat King Orders Will Be Available For Pickup After 4 PM in all locations **
Closed Sundays